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SECTION 1. NAME- This Organization shall be known as the International Association of Arson Investigators- Utah Chapter, Inc. The name of the Chapter shall not be used publicly by any member, other than by the use of his membership card for identification purposes, without the express permission of the Board of Directors or President. This shall not restrict the officers, appointees, or agents of the Chapter in the use of the name to carry out the purpose of the Chapter.

SECTION 2. PURPOSE- The purpose or purposes for which this Chapter is organized are as follows:

  1. To unite for mutual benefit those public officials or private concerns engaged in the control of Arson and kindred
  2. To provide for exchange of technical information and
  3. To encourage high professional standards of conduct among Arson Investigators and to continually strive to eliminate all factors which interfere with the suppression of
  4. To encourage cooperation between public service agencies and associations to further the suppression of
  5. To foster greater professional competence in the investigative technique and the recognition of the crime of



SECTION 1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP. Any representative of government or of a government agency, and any representative of a business or industrial concern who is actively engaged in some phase of the suppression of Arson at the time he makes application, shall be eligible for active membership on application, provided such individual: Possesses the other qualifications for membership in the discretion of the Credentials Committee, is not less than eighteen years of age of the time he makes application, and receives membership in the IAAI.

SECTION 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Individuals not desiring active membership in the IAAI may become associate members of the Utah Chapter of IAAI, after determination of their qualifications by Credentials Committee.

Associate members shall be entitled to participate in the affairs of the UIAAI with voting privileges; but may not hold elective office or serve on the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP. The Chapter may, bestow life membership upon any member of the chapter who has met the following requirements:

  1. The nominee must be or have been an active member of the chapter.
  2. The nominee must have been a member of the chapter for a minimum of 10 years.
  3. The nominee must have rendered distinctive service to the chapter through participation on committees or activities for a minimum of 5 years.

An honorary life member shall have all the rights and privileges of an active member, without payment of dues.

Nominations for honorary life membership shall be made to the Board of Directors at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual general meeting.  A two thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors is necessary to confer honorary life membership status to the nominee.  No more than two nominations for such membership may be made in one calendar year. Life membership status in the IAAI automatically carries honorary life membership in the Utah State Chapter, subject to approval of the Utah Chapter Board.

SECTION 4. SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP. Individuals or organizations interested in carrying out the purpose of the Utah Chapter IAAI shall be granted sustaining membership upon payment of annual dues. All such funds shall be devoted to the educational functions of the Utah Chapter. Sustaining members shall be entitled to participate in the affairs of the UIAAI with the exception of holding elective office, service on the Board of Directors and voting privileges.

SECTION 5. AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP. Affiliate membership shall include, but are not limited to, chartered or recognized state, county, or area organizations with payment of annual dues. Affiliate members shall be entitled to the following: The secretary of the affiliated organization shall be placed on the mailing list of the UIAAI and received bulletins, newsletters and other informative items that are mailed to members. No additional privileges shall be granted to affiliate members.

SECTION 6. TEMPORARY STATUS. Applicants for the above membership will be on temporary status until the next meeting of the Board of Directors. During the temporary status period, a membership may be revoked at the discretion of the Board of Directors. If applicants are not rejected by the Board of Directors within ninety (90) days of receipt of applications, membership will be automatically granted.

SECTION 7. MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL. Applications for membership shall be made to the Chairman of the Membership Committee, upon the recommendation of some member of the Chapter, and admission shall be by recommendation of the Credentials Committee and as provided in SECTION 6 of this article.

SECTION 8. PERSONAL QUALICATIONS. Prior to voting upon each application, the Membership Committee shall give due consideration to the following, among other qualifications it deems applicable, to wit:

  1. The personal character and reputation of applicant;
  2. The nature, character, and reputation of the applicant’s business;
  3. The character and reputation of the applicant’s employer and associates; and
  4. The general nature, character, and reputation of the principle business of the applicant’s employer and


  1. Membership in the Chapter shall terminate by:
    1. Voluntary withdrawal;
    2. The Secretary when, after notice, such member is three (3) months in arrears in the payment of dues of any other monetary obligation to the Chapter, or
    3. By the consent of a majority vote of the Board of Directors, if the applicant is still within the aforementioned temporary status period.
  1. The Board may censure any member or may terminate the membership of any member in the event;
    1. Such member has conducted himself in such a manner as is prejudicial to the good name or best interests of the Chapter, or
    2. Such member has exhibited traits or character or conduct inconsistent with the qualifications for membership in the chapter.

In cases subject to SECTION 9-2, the Board shall provide such member with a hearing, due notice, and opportunity to be heard. A majority of the Board present is a duly constituted meeting shall be sufficient to cause censure or termination of membership for any reason specified in SECTION 9-2.

SECTION 10. REINSTATEMENTS. Any former member may be reinstated in the Chapter at the discretion of and by the consent of a majority of the Board. If the former member owes dues or has accumulated other financial obligations to the Chapter at the time of his separation, he shall be required to pay the Chapter all such arrears as a condition to his reinstatement unless the Board, by majority vote and for good cause, shall waive the payment thereof.



  1. Must have been an active member of the Utah State Chapter for at least three (3) years. Not binding on the first three (3) years of elections of the Utah Chapter.
  2. Must be a member in good standing with the IAAI.
  1. Only members attending and present at the Annual Meeting at which their nomination and election takes place shall be eligible to stand for election to the
    • If having previously registered to attend the seminar, you are unable to attend the general meeting due to an emergency you must inform a board member with your interest to run for a board position.
    • A majority of the board shall determine the circumstances that constitute an emergency for purposes of paragraph
  2. Only past or current Board Members attending and present at the Annual Meeting at which their nomination and election takes place shall be eligible to stand for the election of office for the Chapter Presidency.
    • If having previously registered to attend the seminar, you are unable to attend the general meeting due to an emergency you must inform a board member with your interest to run for Chapter
    • A majority of the board shall determine the circumstances that constitute an emergency for purposes of paragraph

SECTION 2. OFFICERS. The officers for the Utah Chapter shall be as follows: President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President.

SECTION 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and six additional eligible members duly elected by majority vote of the attending membership.


  1. The officers shall hold office from the time of their election and qualification for terms of one (1) year, or until the election and qualification of their respective
  2. The elected members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for terms of:

1st Seat – 3 years 2nd Seat -3 years 3rd Seat – 2 years 4th Seat – 2 years 5th Seat – 1 year 6th Seat – 1 year

SECTION 5. VACANCIES. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board of Directors between annual meetings, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the President and with the approval of the Board of Directors. The newly appointed member or members of the Board of Directors shall hold office only until the next annual meeting.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, or Executive Secretary/Treasurer between annual meetings, the vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors and the newly appointed officer or officers shall hold office only until the next annual meeting.

SECTION 6. ELECTION. The Second Vice President and the Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting

  1. Vice Presidents shall advance to the next vacancy until reaching the office of president, unless removed for cause by the board.
  2. The candidates shall have an opportunity to address the membership prior to ballots being distributed.
  3. The ballots shall be distributed and collected by the past presidents.
  4. The ballots shall be counted by a committee appointed by the president.  The committee shall include the Sergeant-At-Arms and no more than three (3) past presidents.
  5. In the event of a tie vote, whoever is conducting the election, either the president, or the nominating committee chair, shall be notified of the names of the candidates who have tied and an additional ballot shall be conducted.  The process shall be repeated until a successful candidate is determined.

SECTION 7. NOMINATING COMMITTEE. Prior to the annual meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee which shall submit to the membership at the annual meeting, a list of nominees to fill expiring terms on the Board of Directors. At the time of the election, the floor shall be open for the purpose of additional nominations.



SECTION 1. The government of the Utah Chapter shall be vested in the Board of Directors and a majority of the Board Members shall have full power to initiate

and transact all business necessary to the existence of the organization and the observance of its purpose.

SECTION 2. ANNUAL MEETING. The Board of Directors shall determine the date and location of the annual meeting and shall have general powers to direct, control, and supervise the affairs of the Utah Chapter.

SECTION 3. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The President shall act as Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4. PRESIDENT. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Utah Chapter and it shall be his responsibility to supervise and coordinate the activities of the Utah Chapter and to preside at the meetings of the Utah Chapter. He shall appoint appropriate committees for the conducting of the activities of the Utah Chapter and shall require at each annual meeting and as otherwise desired from the committee so appointed and from the officers of the Utah Chapter.

SECTION 5. VICE-PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President, the First Vice- President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall act as such. It shall be the duty of the First Vice-President to obtain speakers for all functions of the Utah Chapter.

SECTION 6. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT. In the absence of the President and the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President shall be the Chief Executive Officer and shall act as such. It shall be the duty of the Second Vice-President to be Chairman of the Audit Committee.

SECTION 7. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/TREASURER. The board shall appoint the Executive Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the records and minutes of the organization and shall maintain currently the roll of members, the constitution, and all other documents of value. He shall be custodian and sole depositor of the funds of the organization and shall disburse such funds by check as authorized by the Board of Directors for purposes which promote the welfare and objectives of this organization. He shall render a complete summary of all income, disbursements, and balances whenever requested by the Board and to members at each regular meeting. A written copy of this report shall be made available to any member upon request. He shall receive and acknowledge all communications of the Utah Chapter addressed to him or that may be submitted to him or the Officers of the IAAI and perform such duties as assigned by the President.


Directors, by majority vote, shall have the power to remove from office any officer or member of the Chapter for any of the following:

  1. Conduct or actions that would tend to discredit or lead to disrepute of the State Chapter or International
  2. For good cause as submitted in writing by any officer of the organization.
  3. Any officer of member shall have the right to appeal, provided his request is received in writing not more than thirty (30) days following the removal.


SECTION 1. ANNUAL. The annual meeting shall be held at a place as may be fixed by the board of Directors. Notice thereof shall occur and other business may be presented at the annual meeting. When any question comes before the meeting not specifically provided for herein, the presiding officer shall be governed in his decision by the rules laid down in “Roberts Rules of Order”.

SECTION 2. SPECIAL. Special meetings may be called by order of the Board of Directors at such time and place as fixed by the Board giving due notice thereof to all members at least ten (10) days in advance. Special meetings may also be called in the same manner by the President.


SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP DUES. Annual membership dues shall be as set by the Board of Directors and approved by membership vote at the annual meeting. Active membership in the Utah Chapter of IAAI requires membership in the IAAI.

SECTION 2. AUDIT. The Audit Committee shall make an audit of the accounts of the Executive Secretary/Treasurer at each annual meeting and shall verify all assets and liabilities of the Utah Chapter.


SECTION 1. REQUIREMENTS. This Constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the organization by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. The proposed amendment is presented in a form consistent with and without conflict with the remainder of the existing Constitution of the Association.

SECTION 1. REQUIREMENT. Upon notification vote by two-thirds of the members present at the annual meeting all provisions and articles shall become effective and be enforceable by the Association.

As amended, February 22, 2021